I'd made it a goal in 2012 to complete the 52 Weeks Project - posting one picture every week for a year. I had made it about a third of the way through and was making some of the most interesting pictures I have ever taken. And then my computer died.
With just a few months left before I was set to move back to the US, buying a new computer with a Japanese OS (or paying a ton to get an English one) didn't make sense, so I got by borrowing my girlfriend's under-powered Sony netbook. Unfortunately, it didn't have anywhere near the horsepower to run Lightroom and its tiny screen meant checking the quality of my images was nearly impossible. Unable to process my RAW files, I was forced to abandon the project.
Over eight months later, I decided to have another go at it. I spent most of January travelling and it took me into February to share those stories, but I've finally cleared enough time to start posting my weekly photos to this blog. So far, I'm pretty pleased with the shots I've taken (even if some of them were done at the last minute on Sunday night) and have started taking my camera out with me more often in search of cool images.
This post is meant to share my shots from the first two months, and hopefully I'll be posting new ones on a weekly basis from here on out. I am really excited to see where the project takes me and my photography.
Week Two: After-Dinner Thoughts
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